Art has had its rightful place at Socomec for a long time: concerts, exhibitions, creative events, … and there have been many artistic partnerships that have been associated with the company’s major events in its history, and that are a demonstration of our openness to creativity in the widest sense. Today, in support of the Socomec Group’s continuing growth, a new artistic venture is taking shape around Street art...
Part of our policy for openness
"Companies have a role to play in promoting this highly contemporary and youth-driven artistic form of expression. These companies often have large unused spaces that are visible from the outside to a large number of people: along roads, motorways and railway lines. It is a form of active artistic patronage that can be included in the social element of our Company CSR policy."
2020, a year full of colors
Frescoes and artist performances, personalized electrical cabinet or street art festival with local and international artists, Colors Urban Art powered by Socomec has been productive in 2020. Watch out our retrospective video!
In the heart of the Euro-metropolis of Strasbourg in France are hidden more than 100 electrical boxes customized by Street Art artists. Urban symbol of our field of activity, these boxes are present in all types of neighborhoods and have become a privileged support for the artists of the collective Colors Urban Art powered by Socomec.