As we learn more about the impact of our energy usage, many building managers are realizing how important it is to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. 

The best way to accomplish this is to install a metering system which will measure your energy usage and help you make educated decisions about energy, allowing you to reduce your consumption—not to mention your energy bills. But you want to get the most out of your investment, which means you need to find an installation company that provides a complete metering solution. Socomec is proud to offer a comprehensive, customizable metering system.


Socomec’s Complete Metering Solution

We at Socomec understand that a complete, accurate system is essential if you want to implement an energy management strategy. That’s why we developed DIRIS Digiware, our own modular energy metering system that is customizable to suit your needs. It includes not only the performance metering and monitoring device (PMD), but also the sensors needed to accurately and reliably measure your power consumption.

Your building is unique, and Socomec is prepared with a range of meters to provide you with the information you care about the most. Additionally, our DIRIS Digiware technology allows for a quick installation with different types of sensors depending on your application. (Solid or Split Core, Flexible Rogowski Coils, etc.)


Options for Your Installation Conditions

No two buildings are identical, so the metering installation process should take into account your building’s specific situation. DIRIS Digiware is designed to be plug and play, and our system is prepared for various installation conditions, including:

  • Retrofit vs. New Construction. While it’s great to install metering on a building during the construction process, you haven’t missed your chance! Our modules are simple to install, whether it’s in a new construction building or one that’s been in operation for years.
  • Single or Multi-Point. What are you trying to measure? Whether it’s the energy consumption of a single load, or loads throughout your building, there’s a Digiware configuration that will gather the information you’re looking for.
  • Size of Loads. The size of the loads you’ll be measuring will be an important factor in the sensors and meters you’ll need to install. But no matter the size of the load, you can be sure that Socomec has the products to measure and monitor it.
  • Display/Communication Requirements. While some building managers may need meters that they can communicate with remotely or see extensive information right on the display, other managers may need a simple display that provides them with some basic information. We make it easy to choose the display type that’s best for you.
  • Additional Metering Features. You may require additional features not included in a standard metering system. Our customizable system makes it simple to find the sensors or meters that meet these needs and to incorporate them into the overall metering system.


Software Options

We want you to begin your energy management project right away, which is why we make it easy to commission our gateways and software. With our easy-to-use and free embedded software, our customers can begin monitoring their energy consumption – and seeing benefits – right away.

Additionally, most of Socomec’s meters can be used with third party software! This allows you to quickly integrate our metering solutions, even if you don’t invest in Socomec’s software.


Invest in a Complete Metering Solution

The time has come to lower your energy consumption – and our metering technology is the fastest and easiest way to begin. DIRIS Digiware is an affordable, customizable, and complete metering system that will help you reduce your energy consumption and costs. Ready to get started? Get in touch with one of our engineer experts in power monitoring today!

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